Monday, February 15, 2010

Here's a tip- people have a hard time eating right because they are always in a hurry. I plan my week out and get some of my meals and snacks ready right at the beginning of the week. My backpack weights like 20 pounds on Monday- between all the fresh fruits and veggies and whatever else I've stocked up on. I never want to have to rely on the vending machine- nothing but crap in there.

I love grapefruit, but it can be an inconvenience to peel and eat- so I came up with this: I peel at least 6 grapefruits, take the seeds out, break it up into sections and add some sweetner- then I blend it up real fine. I pour it into a juice container and try to drink at least a cup a day (pulp and all- it's pretty thick). Try it with any fruit- the problem with juice is there's no fiber- with this- it's fiber galore!

1 bowl raisin bran with skim milk

2 cups coffee

10 cups water

1 small bowl of chicken enchilada (recipe below)

1 cup carrots

1 grapefruit and blueberry smoothie (pureed grapefruit with a handful of frozen blueberries)

1/2 PBJ sandwich on wholewheat

1 can Campbell's Chunky old fashioned vegetable beef soup

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